Contact Info
Escalante, UT 84726
- Information:
- 435-826-4466
- Camping:
- 800-322-3770
- Location:
- Along Hwy 12 about 2 miles west of the town of Escalante
- Type:
- State Parks
- Elevation:
- 5,800 feet feet
- Price:
- $4
A visitor center near the entrance will provide you with information as well as examples of petrified wood (and dinosaur bones). The "living" examples of petrified wood are along a ridge overlooking the park. The Petrified Forest Trail (1 mile roundtrip) takes you up and around the ridge. At the top you can extend the hike by taking the 3/4 mile Rainbow Loop Trail to more areas of petrified wood. (The petrified wood you'll see in the visitor center is frankly more colorful than the examples along the trail.)
The Wide Hollow Reservoir (130 acres) is a popular local recreation spot offering swimming and boating opportunities. Canoes can be rented at the shore. The reservoir has good fishing for rainbow trout and bluegill.
Hours + Fees
Modern Restrooms