Contact Info
P.O. Box 637
Green River, UT 84525
- Phone:
- 435-564-3633
- Golf:
- 435-564-8882
- Location:
- Near the town of Green River
- Type:
- State Parks
- Elevation:
- 4,100 feet feet
Green River State Park is just off Interstate 70 in Green River City. Facilities include a 42-unit campground, hot showers, modern rest rooms, group-use pavilion, amphitheater for interpretive programs and boat launching ramp. A new nine-hole golf course with its meandering fairways, lakes and traps is challenging and fun for all levels of golfers.
Hours + Fees
Price Details:
- Day Use – $7.00 per vehicle with up to 8 occupants
- Sr. Day Use – $5.00, age 62 and above
- Bicycles/Pedestrians – $5.00 per person
- Commercial Groups – $3.00/person
- Sanitary Dump/Water Fill – Day Use Fee + $3.00
- Group Site 1: $100.00/night (25 person min – 50 max – 10 vehicles or 6 RVs max)
- Group Site 2: $90.00/night (15 person min – 30 max – 6 vehicles or 3 RVs max)
- Overnight Camping (Day Use Fee is Included in Camping Fee):
- Main Campground: $45/night (all sites have electric and water hookups)
- Extra Vehicle on Site: $20.00/night (all sites)
- Cabin: $75.00/night + tax
- One to Five nights: $7 per night
- Six to Ten nights: $49 total
- Eleven to Fourteen nights: $70 total
- Longer than 14 nights: please see a park ranger