So we might be exaggerating here for effect - we can’t guarantee that Park City vacation rentals will save your marriage (especially if you’re not married to begin with). But what an extended winter stay in some sumptuous condo might do is bring your family closer together. Under the same roof, if nothing else. Envision the following tableau: Uncle Terry’s tweens, your tots, your in-laws, your parents, your siblings (and your spouse, of course): all together in some snow flocked, fire-warmed townhome/cabin/condo/private residence close to major ski resorts. Tired by a day on the slopes, you all relax together in from of aforementioned fire, play a game of Monopoly, drink a few hot chocolates (white russians, beers, whatever), prevent the tots from throwing Monopoly money in said fire and remember how lucky you are to be related to these utterly crazy people. Happily, when you’ve had enough of Uncle Roger’s fishing stories, you can retreat to your room at the other end of the house, soak in a hot bath then watch some TV. Or escape with your spouse to the hot tub tucked away on your condo’s private deck, to watch a light snow flurry vanish and reveal a brilliant star-lit night.
Some might be deterred from such a family shebang by the thought of cooking for a crowd. There are three possible solutions (provided you don’t have a cook to bring with you). One, look for a smaller Park City vacation rental. That sleeps two, instead of 12. Or make use of Park City’s free shuttle service and tell the relations it’s a restaurant free-for-all downtown, with drinks to follow back at the pad. If you don’t particularly like either of these options, look into frozen bags of pasta and pre-made lasagna. Seriously. This is a vacation, which means you should leave with warm fuzzies (and your spouse, hopefully), not an anxiety disorder. It also means you single things should have the opportunity to bond with your siblings and other single things downtown while the rest of your extended family thinks you’re fast asleep. We’re just saying, it could happen.