Contact Info
Ogden, UT 84401
- Local:
- 801-629-8271
- Location:
- On the Weber River near 24th Street and 550 West
- Suitability:
- Kayak
Early efforts focused on cleaning up the river and placing large boulders in strategic spots in the channel. The boulders created drops and pools in the river to make it more challenging for the kayakers. The rocks were also placed to help the fish habitat, making deep pools that become resting-places for trout and waterfalls that become "their cafeteria".
Normal water flows at the park are between 250-270 cfs. Concrete pads on the bank make launching easy. Future plans call for the addition of lights and a deck for spectator viewing. The second phase of Ogden’s "Centennial Trail," currently under construction, parallels the kayak park.
River Details
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From Ogden Union Station take 25th Street east to Lincoln Ave. Turn left and travel to 24th Street and take another left, traveling west over the railroad viaduct. Continue to B Street (550 W) and turn right. Turn right onto Exchange Road and travel east 50 yards to the Weber River bridge. Park on the northwest side of the bridge where there is easy access to the river (the park is 1.4 miles from Union Station).
From I-15 northbound take 24th Street exit and turn right onto Exchange Road. Follow 24th Street east to 400 west. Turn left onto B Ave. (550 W). Turn right onto Exchange Road and travel east 50 yards to the Weber River bridge. Park on the northwest side of the bridge there there is easy access to the river (the park is approximately 1.2 miles from I-15).
From I-15 southbound take 20th Street exit and travel east to Lincoln Ave. Turn right on Lincoln and travel south to 24th Street. Turn right on 24th Street, traveling west over the railroad viaduct. Continue to B Street (550 W) and turn right. Turn right onto Exchange Road and travel east 50 yards to the Weber River bridge. Park on the northwest side of the bridge where there is easy access to the river.